Image Credit: https://time.com/4237779/movie-projection-technology/
About The Projector
The Projector: A Journal of Film, Media, and Culture is an open access, peer reviewed journal published twice annually (winter and summer). The Projector is interested in publishing research articles (20-25 pages) in the related fields of film, media, and cultural studies, with a special interest in interdisciplinary analysis of media texts, studies in political economy, work in industry studies, research on the intersection of representational politics and aesthetic choices and conventions, examinations of cultural developments in taste formation, work in reception studies, and qualitative and/or ethnographic audience studies. The journal also considers book review submissions (approximately 5 pages).
Reproduction of copyrighted artwork is limited to nonprofit, educational purposes. Authors hold the copyright to their material and authority to reprint articles must be sought from the publisher.
Inquiries should be directed to Cynthia Baron at cbaron@bgsu.edu
Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form (Word document in an email attachment) to cbaron@bgsu.edu
Do not put your name in the body of your work or in the header/footer.
Submissions should include an abstract of 150-175 words.
International submissions must follow current American English grammar, spelling, and punctuation conventions. Authors are responsible for supplying a document that conforms to the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) prior to submission. CMS guidelines can be found here: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html
All citations must follow Chicago Style citation rules (author-date format). Authors are responsible for converting citations to Chicago Style Author-Date formatting prior to submission.
Chicago Style Author-Date formatting guidelines can be found here: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-2.html
Film titles should be in italics; first mention should include director’s name and release date in parentheses if this information is not mentioned in the text. Example: Film Title (Director Name, Release Date).
Photographs or illustrations must be either JPG files or a link to an online source. For online images, please include the URL for the site where the image originated for attribution purposes (so that we can credit the source of the image when we use it).
For layout reasons, images should be used sparingly and limited to just those absolutely necessary to show visual elements of film scenes central to the article analysis. Images for illustration purposes only are not necessary.
See our current issue for examples.

Contact Information
Cynthia Baron, Editor
The Projector: A Journal on Film, Media, and Culture
Bowling Green State University
212 Wolfe Center
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0180
(419) 372-9639